Episode 9 - 'Capitalist Vehicle'

Episode 9 - 'Capitalist Vehicle'

We’re back and we’ve missed you all so much! It seems after our last episode, we both just needed some time to embrace the summer sun and have some fun! And truthfully, we had this episode recorded for a while, I just didn’t have the time to edit until September…

In this episode, we start the conversation off by talking about time capsules. We eventually move onto television shows and tamagotchi and the like (naturally), but we just couldn’t seem to get away from them idea of time capsules... Let's just say, things get real schmaltzy real quick.





Episode 10 - 'No Wrong Way To Right' with Lauren Brumley

Episode 10 - 'No Wrong Way To Right' with Lauren Brumley

Episode 8 - 'Aware of the Sun' with Anna C

Episode 8 - 'Aware of the Sun' with Anna C