Episode 7 - 'Apolkalypse' w/ Nick and Emily Tiberi

Episode 7 - 'Apolkalypse' w/ Nick and Emily Tiberi

In this episode, Anna and Tim are joined by musical friends and musical married couple Nick and Emily Tiberi. They tell us a bit about themselves and their history with music and songwriting and singing, Anna tells us about a one-time theater experience, and surprise, our SD card was full! But before we realized that, we did end up writing a beautifully sad song about leaving and moving on to something new. 

The song we wrote in this episode is one of my favorites so far and I hope you will enjoy it as well. Let us know what you think!

Episode 8 - 'Aware of the Sun' with Anna C

Episode 8 - 'Aware of the Sun' with Anna C

Episode 6 - 'Slap Happy' w/ Anna C

Episode 6 - 'Slap Happy' w/ Anna C