Episode 4 - 'Home'

Episode 4 - 'Home'

Disclaimer! The first half of this episode was recovered from a "lost" file and it suffered some quality loss as a result! But do not fret, the second half is back to normal quality.

Tim and Anna decided to try to keep things tight and concise this episode!  Despite struggling with the batteries of a portable recording device, they managed to chat some about Home, Daylight Savings Time, and Mister Rogers and write a song to boot! The end result is a beautifully sweet and sincere song about home.

Hope you enjoy!

Episode 5 - 'Still Growing' w/ Anna-Marie Settine

Episode 5 - 'Still Growing' w/ Anna-Marie Settine

Episode 3 - 'Reflections' w/ Anna C Reilly

Episode 3 - 'Reflections' w/ Anna C Reilly